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General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit Contracts

as of 22/12/2022,valid 27/12/2022–30/09/2024
as of 15/08/2022,valid 01/10/2022–26/12/2022
as of 09/07/2021,valid 01/10/2021–30/09/2022
as of 31/01/2021,valid 01/04/2021–30/09/2021
as of 31/07/2020,valid 01/10/2020–31/03/2021
as of 31/10/2019, valid 01/01/2020–30/09/2020
as of 08/05/2019,valid 01/06/2019–31/12/2019
as of 30/07/2018,valid 01/10/2018–31/05/2019
as of 30/10/2017,valid 01/01/2018–30/09/2018

Grid points and Gas Specification

as of 22/12/2022valid 20/12/2022–31/12/2023
as of 12/12/2018,valid 01/01/2017–19/12/2022

Price Lists

as of 21/09/2023,valid 01/01/2024–31/12/2024
as of 18/07/2023,valid 01/01/2024–31/12/2024
as of 02/06/2023,valid 01/01/2024–31/12/2024
as of 18/07/2023,valid 01/01/2023–31/12/2023
as of 07/03/2023,valid 01/01/2023–31/12/2023
as of 22/12/2022,valid 01/01/2023–31/12/2023
as of 22/12/2022,valid 01/01/2022–31/12/2022
as of 19/12/2022,valid 01/01/2022–31/12/2022
as of 23/09/2021,valid 01/01/2022–31/12/2022
as of 01/06/2021,valid 01/10/2021–31/12/2021
as of 21/10/2020,valid 01/10/2021–31/12/2021
as of 01/06/2021,valid 01/01/2021–30/09/2021
as of 29/09/2020,valid 01/01/2021–30/09/2021
as of 04/02/2020,valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 26/09/2019,valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 08/07/2019,valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020
as of 25/09/2018,valid 01/01/2019–31/12/2019
as of 19/07/2018,valid 01/01/2018–31/12/2018
as of 01/12/2017,valid 01/01/2018–31/12/2018

Dynamically Allocable Capacities

as of 17/06/2021,valid from 01/10/2019
as of 17/06/2021,valid from 1 October 2019
as of 01/05/2020,valid 01/10/2019–30/09/2021
as of 15/11/2018, valid 01/10/2016–30/09/2019



according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
as of 18/07/2023,valid 01/01/2023–31/12/2023
according to Section 21 (3) sentence 2 EnWG (automated readout) in the Trading Hub Europe GmbH market area


according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
as of 22/12/2022,valid 01/01/2022–31/12/2022
according to Section 21 (3) sentence 2 EnWG (automated readout) in the Trading Hub Europe GmbH market area


according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
as of 01/06/2021,valid 01/01/2021–30/09/2021
as of 01/06/2021,valid 01/10/2021–31/12/2021


according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
as of 04/02/2020,valid 01/01/2020–31/12/2020


according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
according to Art. 29 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
as of 25/09/2018,valid 01/01/2019–31/12/2019


according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
according to Art. 29 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariff)
as of 19/07/2018,valid 01/01/2018–31/12/2018


Special terms for connecting biogas plants to the pipeline network of GASCADE

as of 14/12/2023, valid 14/12/2023–16/05/2024 (German language version)
as of 08/11/2023, valid 08/11/2023–14/12/2023 (German language version)

Tender for fuel gas

Tender for fuel gas February 2022

Tender for fuel gas February 2020

Tender for fuel gas February 2019 (Documents in German language version)